Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Keeping the beat...

For the longest time I didn't fit in. I hadn't found that thing that I was really good at (not saying that I have now, but maybe closer than I ever have been.) I had read about this magical place where people live and dream and work in a place where the worlds greatest needs meet their talents etc. etc. But, for so so so many years I was lost.

I wasn't really good at anything, except connecting with people I suppose. I have been thinking about this a lot lately and how many stupid things I have done, tried and or failed at. One silly thing came to my mind... Mrs. Hinrichs 7th or 8th grade band lessons. I played the Saxophone (or tried) just like my dad did. During a practice at school we were having small group lessons and I was tapping my toes along with music and Mrs. Hinrichs said I wasn't keeping up with beat. My toe wasn't tapping with the music! She told me she had never seen any student do this - tap their toes against the beat... I guess that is what you would call it.

This just made me laugh and made my heart thankful that at least now I can keep up with the beat....

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